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Traditionally, the fabrication of chairs would have been subject to a division of labour between the cabinet maker and the upholsterer. From the hands of the cabinet maker, a chair would be passed onto an upholsterer, or equivalent chair seater of cane, rush or cord. This pattern has continued until the present day. Lazarus Restoration however, is able to combine the work of these traditionally separate trades, providing a convenient one-stop repair shop to it`s customers, covering all aspects of chair repair.  


Common problems

  • Worn out / damaged upholstery

  • Damaged cane seating

  • Damaged rush/ cord seating

  • Loose / damaged joints

  • Leg breakages

Worn out /damaged upholstery

Drop in seats re-upholstered and recovered on this set of 6, mid eighteenth century chairs, in the style of Chippendale

Re-covered Ottoman

Re-upholstered wing back armchair from bare frame to completion

Damaged Cane Seating

Re-caning this Regency three seater sofa

"Medallion" backed armchair which also required re-upholstering


Damaged Rush / Cord Seating

Re-woven cord pattern on this Bentwood chair in beech

Re-rushed set of six spindleback chairs

Chairs (rush cord) 031 (2).JPG

Loose/damaged joints

Reconstructing a broken tenon


Reconstructing a damaged mortice

Leg Breakages

Leg replacement section cut at an angle to provide additional strength


Reformed part of leg

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